
1940Born in Hamamatsu Shizuoka, Japan
1963B.A. in oil painting, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music
1965M.A. in oil painting, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music
1971–75Lived in New York, worked at Print Making Workshop
1992Stayed in London on a fellowship from the Ministry of Cultural Affairs
Currently professor of printmaking at Musashino Art University

Selected Solo Exhibitions

1976Yoseido Gallery, Tokyo
1983Yoseido Gallery, Tokyo
1985Kukan Museum, Seoul
1987Gallery Diferenca, Lisbon
Yoseido Gallery, Tokyo
1989World Bank Art Society, Washington DC
1990Gallery Il Ponte, Florence, Italy
Yoseido Gallery, Tokyo
1994Yoseido Gallery, Tokyo
1996Yoseido Gallery, Tokyo
1997Bulgaria National Gallery, sponsored by the Japan Foundation, Sophia, Bulgaria
1998Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art, Haifa, Israel
Yoseido Gallery, Tokyo
1999The National Museum of Japanese Art, Bucharest, Romania
2000Kakegawa Ninomaru Museum of Art, Shizuoka
2001Museu da Casa Brasileira, Sao Paulo, sponsored by the Japan Foundation, Brazil
Hillside Forum, Tokyo
Yoseido Gallery, Tokyo
2002Mizuta Museum ofArt, Josai International University, Chiba
Art Gallery C Square, Chukyo University, Nagoya
2005Yoseido Gallery, Tokyo
2006Yoseido Gallery, Tokyo
2008Sakata Museum of Art, Yamagata
Yoseido Gallery, Tokyo
2009Shizuoka Prefectural Museum of Art
2010Museum & Library Musahino art University, Tokyo
2013Hamamatsu Municipal Museum of Art and Hirano Museum of Art Lisbon/Santarem/Porto Tour Exhibition
2014“Pathos” Kamakuar Gallery, Kamakura
2016Yoseido Gallery, Tokyo
2019Zhejiang Art Museum, China

Selected Group Exhibitions

1983“Two-person exhibition: Benko Ito and Noriko Yanagisawa,” Ikeda 20th Century Museum of Art, Ito
1994“Tetsuro Komai and Contemporary Print Artists,” The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama
1999“Perspectives on Contemporary Japanese Painting,” Tokyo Station Gallery, Tokyo
2002“Domani: Celebrating 35 Years of the Japanese Government Overseas Study Program for Artists,” Seiji Togo Memorial Yasuda Kasai Museum of Art, Tokyo
“Japan Bangladesh Cultural Bridge in Pictorial Art,” Kibria, Ghiyasuddin, Yanagisawa, Bangladesh National Museum, Bangladesh
2003Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial 2003, Niigata
2004“2004 - Summer, Hepworth, Kusama et al.” Fuji Xerox Print Collection Arr Space, Tokyo
“Hanga: Waves of East-West Cultural Interchange,” The University Art Museum, Tokyo National Museum of Fine Arts and Music, Tokyo
“Yozo Hamaguchi and Contemporary Copperplate Prinrs,” Musée Hamaguchi Yozo: Yamasa Collection, Tokyo
2007“Qualia of Projection: Performance-Record-Body-Drawing-Transcription/Print,” Musashino Art University Museum and Library, Tokyo
“Journey : Intercultural Encounter and Exchange: Celebrating 40 Years of the Japanese Government Overseas Study Program for Artists,” The National Art Center, Tokyo
2008The Witch’ s One-time-one, Museum & Library Musahino art University, Tokyo
2009“Illusional Journey of Pictures” Ikeda Museum of 20th Century Art, Shizuoka


196432nd Japan Print Association Prize for Hijiri and Lips
1991Cultural Encouragement Prize, Shizuoka Prefecture Board of Education
1999Tokyo Station Gallery Prize for painting, Garden at the Waterfront ’ 99, East Japan Railway Foundation
2001Tenth Gen Yamaguchi Memorial Grand Prize for Garden at the Waterfront V, Numazu City Other Activities
2010Shilpacharya Zainul Abedin Award 2010

Other Activities

1982Portfolio, Time Passing, published by Japan Print Center, Inc.
1984Portfolio, Out to Sea, published by Japan Print Center, Inc.
1998Guest commentator on “Saturday Art Morning,” NHK Television

Selected Public Collections

The University Museum, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music / Museum & Library, Musashino Art University / Mizuta Museum of Art, Josai International University / The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama / East Japan Railway Culture Foundation / Ikeda 20th Century Museum of Art, Shizuoka / Kakegawa Ninomaru Art Museum / Hamamatsu City Art Museum / Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts / Sakata City Museum of Art / Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art, Haifa / Sackler Gallery, Smithsonion Institution, Washington DC / San Francisco Art Museum / U.S. Library of Congress / Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Dhaka, Bangladesh / Bulgaria National Gallery / Romania National Gallery

柳澤紀子 略歴

1971–75ニューヨーク滞在 プリントメーキングワークショップで制作


2012ベンガルアートラウンジ(ダッカ、バングラディシュ) *2010年 Shilpacharya Zainul Abedin Award 2010(ダッカ大学)受賞により開催
ポルトガル ― リスボン・サンタレン・ポルト 巡回展
2014“Pathos” 鎌倉画廊(鎌倉)


1994「駒井哲郎と現代版画家群像展」 埼玉県立近代美術館
1996「詩と美術の出会い―柳澤紀子 吉増剛造」 青嶋ホール(静岡) *2004年にも開催
1998「SPACE 現代日本版画展」 ティコティン日本美術館(イスラエル)
1999「現代日本絵画の展望展」 東京ステーションギャラリー *東京ステーションギャラリー賞受賞
2000「アート最前線25年―作家とともに」 池田20世紀美術館(伊東)
2001「第10回山口源賞記念展」 沼津市庄司美術館 *第10回山口源賞受賞
2002「DOMANI・明日展」 安田火災東郷青児美術館(東京)
「現代日本版画展」 ティコティン日本美術館(イスラエル)
「日本バングラディシュ国交30周年記念展」 Kibria, Ghiyasuddin, Yanagisawa バングラディシュナショナルギャラリー
2003「大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ2003」 モニュメント「融」恒久設置(松代、新潟)
2004「崇高なる現在―世界の版表現と教育の現場より」 武蔵野美術大学美術資料図書館(東京)
「HANGA 東西交流の波」 東京藝術大学大学美術館
「銅版画の地平II 浜口陽三と銅版画の現在」 ミュゼ浜口陽三・ヤマサコレクション(東京)
「現代版画の潮流展」 町田市立国際版画美術館/松本市美術館
2005「SIPA2005」 Hangaram Art Museum of Seoul Arts center(韓国)
2006「Prints on the Plate」 Milai Museum of Art(ソウル)
2007「射影のクオリア 行為-記録-身体-素描-転写/版」 武蔵野美術大学美術資料図書館(東京)
「旅展-異文化との出会い そして対話」 国立新美術館(東京)
2008「魔女たちの九九展」 武蔵野美術大学美術資料図書館(東京)/ヒルサイドフォーラム(東京)
2009「幻想の絵画旅行」 池田20世紀美術館(伊東)

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