Solo Exhibition

January 21st – February 10th, 2017

We are closed on Monday and Tuesday
Opening Party: January 21st, 16:00-18:00

Garden on fire 2016 80x102cm, oil on canvas
Okada Yo “Garden on fire” 2016 80 x 102cm, oil on canvas

Okada Yo was born in Kanagawa Japan. Following graduation from Musashino Art University (M.A. in Fine Arts), she moved to London in 2002, where she is still based. Kamakura Gallery has been introducing her works since 2002 mainly in group exhibitions. In this first-time solo exhibition at Kamakura Gallery, 20 works, oil paintings and drawings, produced between late-90’s and 2016 will be on display.

She always finds motifs or themes of her works through her real-life experience that she says “small stories.” A braid, a lace fabric, a fire, main characters in movies, celebrities, and etc. She focuses various “stories” range from peculiar things to ordinary ones. These stories sometimes remind us our own stories, for this reason, her works give us a way to see things from a different angle or with good humor.

The group exhibition included works of Okada Yo, “DOMANI, The Art of Tomorrow” is on view through February 5th at The National Art Center, Tokyo (Roppongi).

岡田 葉 展


休廊: 月曜・火曜
オープニングパーティー 1月21日(土) 16:00-18:00
17:00- Gutevolk 演奏予定


岡田 葉(おかだ よう)は武蔵野美術大学大学院を修了後、2002年に渡英し、現在までロンドンを拠点に活動を続けています(2007年ロンドン大学ゴールドスミス校ファインアート科大学院修了)。鎌倉画廊では渡英前にグループ展「拝啓、ジョン・ケージ様」にて出展、その後もコレクション展等で作品を継続的に紹介してまいりました。映画の主人公や著名人、三つ編みやレース、火事現場などフォーカスが独特なものから日常生活で目にしたごく身近なものまで、ユニークな視点で描かれた油彩画やドローイングを展開し、今後のさらなる活躍が期待される作家です。今展では、90年代の作品から最新作まで約20点(予定)を展示致します。


岡田 葉は現在開催中の「DOMANI 明日展」(国立新美術館にて2月5日まで)に出展しております

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